Info For Y'all Don Lavoie Graduate Pupil Seek Contest For Advanced Phd Students

Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Competition

Program Subject: Economics, relevant disciplines
Program Level: Postgraduate (PhD)
Provider: Society for the Development of Austrian Economics
Country to create Write in: Any country

Program Description
The Society for the Development of Austrian Economics is pleased to denote that submissions for the 2012 Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Essay Competition are straight off existence accepted.

Submissions volition last accepted from advanced PhD students inward economic science or other relevant disciplines anywhere inward the world.

Program requirements
The contest is express to thesis chapters and/or other inquiry that is geared toward publication inward the professional person journals; submissions should adhere to appropriate standards of academic writing together with should last on a topic relevant to Austrian economics.
There is no give-and-take limit; and, students submitting papers to this contest volition retain all publication rights to their work; however, winners are encouraged to submit their papers to The Review of Austrian Economics for possible publication.

Please include a re-create of your CV amongst your submission.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY province

Number of awards
Three prizes are given

Program duration
The Southern Economic Association meetings volition last belongings this Nov 16-18, 2012 inward New Orleans, LA,

Program benefits/Prize
Each prize is worth $1000, to last used to pay expenses to attend the Southern Economic Association meetings where the winners volition acquaint their run on a particular panel scheduled for 8:00am, Friday, Nov 16.

Prize awards are contingent on assist the SEA meetings together with the SDAE’s annual concern coming together together with awards banquet on Sabbatum evening, Nov 17.

Method of Application
You must create sum inward the Application Form completely together with correctly. Please include a re-create of your CV amongst your submission. All questions together with submissions should last sent electronically to Eric Celler at

Deadline for submissions is Oct 15, 2012. Decisions volition last made on or around Oct 20.

Formed inward 1996, the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (SDAE) has over 100 members inward a discover of countries world-wide. The destination is to advance the ideas of Menger, Mises, together with Hayek together with other economists of the Austrian schoolhouse through both internal evolution together with interaction amongst the ideas of other related approaches to economics.

Essay Submission Deadline: fifteen Oct 2012
Open to International Applicants: Yes (anywhere inward the world)

More Essay Information together with Announcement

Related: Scholarships inward Republic of Austria for International Students
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